Sunday, June 21, 2015

So here's what's happening...

... lots happening.  Lots.  Just wrapped up some great sessions at the House Of Miracles studio and getting ready to release my third record "Stitches And Incisions" in August before heading out on a three month tour with Uncle Dan Henshall to Canada's East (including Newfoundland), Northern Ontario and a Home Routes tour across Manitoba.  Only six or so weeks left before I move into the van!

June and July bring a few shows my way as I get things ready for the big tour.
Saturday, June 27th I'm playing an artist + audience House Concert in Walkerville, with Jedd and Uncle Dan!

And on Saturday, July 4th I'll be doing a trio show with Dan and Jedd at the cool Cherryhill Library here in London. Free!  2:00pm to 4:30!

And next up I'm back in Windsor again on Friday, July 10th for a one-hour solo set at Taloola... unplugged, 8pm, Pay What You Can!
Stay tuned for this year's tour fundraiser and how you can help me and Dan on our big tour, and for details on a CD Release Concert happening in London on Saturday, August 1st at Shangrila Yoga!  It's time to get out your BLUE COUPONS that were included in the Secret Identity EP - you'll get $3 off the new album!
And don't forget that you can order your Allison Brown T-Shirt or Tank Top anytime - I can do custom orders and can print my design on other things like bandanas, tote bags, hankerchiefs... 
See you in the sunshine!